Tuesday, 29 June 2010

The real problem is that earning money and living are somewhat getting in the way of writing, so very annoying. 

I just want to WRITE!

Monday, 28 June 2010

get this weekend over with, and the writing will

commence with full force.  I am itching to get on with it, now that I have completed certain areas of research.  The trip to Edinburgh was well worth it, and I'm now on the way to completing the first draft ready for editing.  YAYYYYYY

Thursday, 17 June 2010


Managed some excellent research in Edinburgh this week.  we are now members of the National Library of Scotland and have partaken of their amazing facilities up there.  People were very interested in my research and as a result they were extremely helpful.

thanks go to the wardens at Holyroodhouse Palace, the very helpful man at the Edinburgh museum, and also the very chatty man on the gate at Seton Collegiate Church. 

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

A visit to Holyroodhouse Palace should see me write

yes a few days away in Scotland and a visit to Holyroodhouse Palace to put in place some of the missing parts of the jigsaw.  It will be a flying visit, but the atmosphere should help me to put certain things into perspective which are missing at the moment. 

I will be taking the laptop with me, and bashing out hopefully about a 1,000 words per day.  Fingers crossed.