Saturday, 24 July 2010

The thing is....

that it's all well and good these planes going over all day every day, but it's really not conducive to writing.  not so much the noise, but the fact that everybody downs tools and runs outside to see what's happening! 

I'm fitter though! 

Friday, 23 July 2010

Writing is so hard to do

ha, no not the writing itself, but finding the right space and time.  It's difficult to write whilst a 100 and one other things are going around in your head.  Still even if one can get 20minutes to 'bung' something down and then edit it later, it's better than nothing. 

I soldier on.....

Thursday, 15 July 2010

lots of writing achieved

over the last couple of days, it's been good.  Didn't want to stop last night, so that's how good it's been.  A friend hasread a tiny bit of it and said that it was interesting, the characters were believable and the story intriguing.  I think all of that is good. :)

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Writing writing writing

the writing is coming along very well now.  I wrote just over a thousand words yesterday, only to delete a vast amount of the old stuff today, so I'm back to square one.  BUT  (don't start a sentence with but please) but, the work is far far better, and far more believable now.  The characters are making more sense and taking on their own personalites. 


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

definitely writers' blog

Can't seem to put pen to paper right now.  I feel like I've lost the plot.  Maybe I should just open it up on word and write any old thing.  a walk perhaps, ooo I just don't know.  doesn't help that the physio this morning was really hard, and now my back hurts. mmmm

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

writing now, having to re-write major parts

because the Seton chappie I was after, was not the one who entertained the King at his house, well palace really.  they were cousins, and the Seton I wanted was vastly inferior to Lord Robert.

Still that's sorted now, just having to rewrite the blinking thing in order to ensure it's correct.