Monday, 11 June 2012

School's Out

Well, school is pretty much finished now and most of my students have disappeared over the last two weeks.  Double whammy really because it means I no longer have a regular income being a private tutor, however, it does mean that I get my evenings back which is nice. 

This year I have had two English language students, as opposed to the English Literature ones I normally take.  This has been a huge learning experience for me, and whilst I always maintain that I learn a lot from my students, this has been unprecedented.  Funny how you think you've been there and done it, and usually ironed the T-shirt something crops up to totally surprise you.

Particularly hard is the A2 'Language Exploration' paper.  Not because exploring language itself is boring particularly or hard for the most, but the repetition becomes quite tedious.   Also, with literature, the mind can wander, explore identity, psychology, gender issues, structuralism and so on, and endless possibility of ideas to stretch the mind making the subject interesting and very rewarding; in my book anyway.

Talking of my book, the departure of my students means that I can now concentrate more on my own studies and writing, in between making a living at other things.  I'm looking forward to posting more extracts from my novel without a name, so do please keep checking back for those.  I will get it finished, promise, I really will and with any luck published (lots of luck probably!).

Thank you for reading and please leave any comments and pass details to your own followers, I need more readers  :)


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