Friday, 22 February 2013

I know, I know, I haven't been on here or written a blog for some time now.  It's called 'this blog is too time consuming'!

However, I can report that I have added some more to my novel.  Not much, but some more of the plot is gradually unfolding.  It's taking time I appreciate that, but Rome was not won in a day.... I keep telling myself!

The plot itself is extremely complicated, so I am having to make some alterations to simplify it a bit, otherwise it would go on forever.  Not only is that boring, but it's hell to write as well.  Also I have a dilemma still, do I write in colloquial English, Middle English, modern English or a mixture of all.  In fact, my characters are mostly Scottish, but someone said to me 'oh yes that's all very well, but it just sounds so 'twee'.  

If I don't include some Scottish in it, will the reader be able to pick up the atmosphere; notice the difference between the upper and the lower classes, or even realise that it's set in Scotland?    Answers on a postcard please.......

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