Monday, 9 April 2012

to the typewriter once more

well, ok to the computer then, but you get the picture.  I haven't been on here for a short while, I've been trying to make a living whilst also attempting to write my book.  It's not easy, basically I have to try and make money to live, don't we all, whilst also allowing my artistic flare (who's she kidding? Ed.) to thrive.  I write my book in my head every night, but getting it down onto paper is rather harder.  Still, my husband's cousin has inspired me to keep at it. At some point I will get it finished, and submit it to an agent.    so much so that I am 'champing' at the bit to get going again, but given that it's Easter I will procrastinate a short while longer.

Why? I hear you ask, well, Mr G is here too, and we spend so little time together as a rule that I don't think it's fair to spend eight hours in my room writing, when he wants to go walking or cycling etc.  so I will get on, probably early in the morning. 

I also realised that there is currently not enough about religion in my current draft (lots of currents)  of course one has to realise that back in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries religion was extremely important to all, that is why the idea of the devil and witchcraft was so abhorrent to them.

By the way, if you like all things witchy and gruesome, try Karen Maitland's underrated book 'The Gallow's Curse', it's gory, but it's an unputtdownable read.



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