Thursday, 3 May 2012

Writing Lines

Following a recent blog by my husband's cousin, who is currently writing  a play, I thought I would join in this interesting new way to blog one's work.

Go to page 77 of your novel, or work in progress, go to line seven then copy and paste the next seven lines into your blog.  ~Then tag seven new writers.  I don't know if this is cheating or not, but I'm using the same seven writers as cousin Lyndsey.  so here goes.

Agnes raised her head; her jaw jutting in defiance.  ‘My lord, I did not seek destruction of David Seton, it is he who seeks destruction of Mistress MacCalzean and of my lord Bothwell,’ for a moment her eyes lit up as she vented her venom for Seton.  Rising painfully from her seat she raised her voice as much as she could; she almost spat at Huntly, ‘it is he who seeks destruction of me,’ she hissed through gritted teeth then sank back down as though the effort had drained her of her last vestage of energy.  The people in the courtroom gasped collectively and the caterwauling recommenced.

hope you enjoy

The Uninspired Chronicles
The Write Transition
Tommy Scouse
Norfolk Novelist

Oh I think I've used more than seven, well I do words not figures, so please let me off!


  1. I would like to read more! Give us a clue - what happens next?

  2. woo hoo, thank you. mm a clue, well the trials continue, the news is generally bad, Barbara discovers she is pregnant, but she also discovers a traitor.

    King James presides over the trials awakening a perverse interest in witches. This results in him taking to his own pen.
